Your experience in college has the power to change you. When you enter college you have the power to alter your life for the better or for the worse. Enjoying yourself will help the change be positive, but depriving yourself of the fun college can provide will leave you lacking valuable social skills and coping abilities.
Having fun in college, taking advantage of the services offered and the events held by the college or university you are attending and learning how to make your own fun will help you enjoy your life after college.
Enjoying college is important. Everyone will tell you learning the skills that help a student’s future career is the intended purpose of higher education. But it is also true that college is where people make some of their best memories and establish lifelong relationships.
In the words of Et Cetera Sports Editor Brianna Harmon, “High school is where you make some real friends and meet some fake friends, but college is where you will meet your bridesmaids.”
Even the relationships you form with professors can affect your future. These are the people who help you find internships and write recommendation letters.
So don’t be that student who arrives just as class starts, never speaks to classmates and sprints to the parking lot when class ends.
Stick around a while. Visit the Pit, hang out in the library or chat with fellow students camped out in public study spots. Use the tutoring centers, meet with an adviser, read the student newspaper.
Take advantage of the “campus life” aspect of college. Join a club. Participate in service learning. Attend events and seminars.
Eastfield has more to offer than classes. Don’t miss out.
Editorial: College life offers more than classes
September 11, 2015