Fall has arrived and its cool weather has inspired many residents of Mesquite to open garage sales in their lawns. The goal of most garage sales is to clear out used items that no longer have a place in the home and make a little money while doing it. Since these items are used, they are sold for a fraction of their original price to entice buyers to purchase them. However, there are five items that are more sought after and are considered high-value when found.

Number Five
Clothes are one of, if not the most, common items found in any garage sale. Yet, clothes — especially jeans and boots — are the most prized items found in these sales. Some varieties of boots and jeans can be found for under $10 when the retail price would be easily in the hundreds. All that is required is a thorough wash and these clothes will be primed and ready for wear.
Number Four
Tools are not commonly seen in garage sales but make for an exciting find when discovered. A good pair of pliers, screws or washers can make a long-lasting, usable commodity when paired with tools already at home. Sometimes power tools, like chainsaws or dremel, can be found for cheap at sales and, with some luck, have minimal wear.
Number Three
Jewelry can be another amazing addition to collect. Brand-new jewelry is notoriously expensive, especially engagement rings. By comparison, most jewelry found at a garage sale will be serviceable, if not slightly tarnished. Earrings and rings can be expected out of an estate sale, a kind of sale that sells the belongings of a deceased resident. But sometimes good jewelry can be sold in garage sales if the homeowner is wealthy. Keep an eye out for jewels.
Number Two
Gardening pots are a humble item, but surprisingly hard to find. It is rare to find a pot for sale, but when it is, it can save hundreds of dollars when collected throughout time.
A large amount of pots can also tell a story about a person, and can help form bonds if someone chooses to comment on the item.
Number One
Electronics are some of the most sought-after items in all garage sales. If minimal-wear headphones, computer mice or other small gadgets can be found, they can last for months without ever having to pay the retail price on these same $20-$100-dollar items. What is even better is, if these items are still in a box, they can be resold and make a profit for the savvy shopper.
These are just some of the common high-value items that can be found at local garage sales. Be sure to keep an eye out during the weekends when driving down the road. Garage and estate sales can make for wonderful memories and happy wallets.