There is so much more to do at Eastfield than just attend classes. Getting involved with a student organization is a great way to get the most out of your college experience, giving you opportunities to socialize and meet new people, learn valuable leadership skills and, possibly, discover a new hobby. The Hive — the area on the first floor of the C Building dedicated to campus gatherings — was hopping on September 17 and 18 thanks to the Registered Student Organization (RSO). They hosted an Expo showcasing some of the exciting ways to get involved on campus.

Walking around the Hive, it was clear there was something available for everyone. The Dungeons & Dragons club was recruiting new members (no experience required) to join in the creative, storytelling table-top Role Play Game (RPG). Dallas College Honors programs were well represented at Eastfield with tables for both Phi Theta Kappa (the National Honor Society for two-year colleges) and the Honor Society Organization (HSO). The HSO offers opportunities for volunteering, leadership workshops, travel, community building and scholarships, according to their flier.
There were also representatives for the new campus SPACE program, an acronym for Student Programs and Campus Engagement. The STEM League had a table with a fall calendar that proves they are an active organization to be a part of. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and is open to all students who are interested in those areas of study. They offer many resources, including a study area, field trips, leadership opportunities and social events.
The Student Leadership Institute and the Student Government Association were also represented and both organizations were recruiting students to join. The African Student Union had a table selling tickets to their Movie Day event, which was on Tuesday, Sept 24. Students were able to vote for which two movies would be shown by scanning a QR code.
Clearly, there’s a lot to do here at Eastfield and, hopefully, you can find a group that is right for you. If you would like your club’s information to be published in The Et Cetera Calendar, email all the information and a contact number to [email protected].