By Enrique Morales
I am a music addict. I love my addiction for the pleasure it brings, yet I hate it for how much of my time it consumes.
Because of this constant listening, I can recall any song after enough exposure to it. I can play all the songs I want in my mind, without an iPod, cellphone or stereo.
By setting my own words to music, I can even remember more of my obligations than I would otherwise, allowing me to plan my day appropriately to meet my priorities.
I especially enjoy reclining in bed to music.
Some days, I don’t want to do anything else.
I feel tempted to blow off my duties all the time and just rock. I sometimes give in to the temptation, resulting in incomplete essays, lack of studying and unmet commitments.
I always feel horrible afterward and, after failing a paper dismally, set up guidelines to manage my addiction.
I find my methods do help. I hope other addicts can benefit from them as well.
First, I have duration limits, usually about 30-45 minutes long, as that lets me listen to an album. Without a limit, minutes turn to hours and one task turns into millions.
Second, all of my obligations must be met or be on the way to being met before I may listen to music. This gives me an added bonus as I then can worry less.
Finally, motivational chants like “After all your work is done, you will enjoy music more.” Though seemingly childish, are morale-boosting while working.
I do feel fortunate in one regard: My addiction does not physically harm me.
Unlike other addictions, I do not lose brain cells or blacken my lungs when I fulfill my desire. Instead, I feel enraptured, inspired and motivated. I feel that way when I hear beautiful songs. They are songs that bear so many nuances and euphonies. I want to hear them over and over again.
So, overall, I feel lucky to be a music addict.
Music enriches my life with beauty. I feel I’d lack without it.