“Fe for Iron, Male for male. Get it? You’re Ironman.”
It is unclear how long this “joke” has been around, but I was recently the recipient of it. Frequently when the term “female” is used, it has a negative connotation. In this case, it was very clear that it was being used in that way. It is used to shame women of their femininity, intellect or just to belittle them all together. The use of female as a pejorative term is, unfortunately, not a new concept. Its function to offend women is rooted in disrespect and dehumanization.
The cultural shift of feminine nouns, such as female, turning into insults began in the 1800s. The term “mistress’ began as an indication of a person in power, but slowly was turned against women to demean them, taking on a meaning of sexual promiscuity. Yet, the masculine term “master” with the same definition was never disparaged the way its feminine counterpart was.
The disparities between respect towards women and men are as prevalent then as they are now, and “jokes” like the one I was told only further the offensive nature of demeaning women.
In contrast, slogans such as “The Future is Female” are rooted in an uplifting and encouraging context. The basis of how female is used in this context versus the Ironman “joke” is clear. Sarcasm being used to cover up sexist stereotypes isn’t funny and, frankly, is distasteful. There is not an ounce of originality in making women the butt of the joke.
Femininity and being feminine is not an inherently bad thing, but the implications that surround it are. Be respectful and exercise empathy to all people, and don’t make jokes at the expense of women, or anyone else for that matter.