By Fazy Camara
A kakistocracy is defined as a state of society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens. I think it’s fair to assume that billionaires who can buy themselves seats into the government, alongside an elected president who believes his own ear can grow back, and a slew of other contradictions that he has iterated over his brief time in office, would fall swiftly under that noun. Between his attacks on women and children to his ludicrous executive orders, I honestly cannot fathom how or where to begin when it comes to discussing Donald Trump.
One of the main reasons the Founding Fathers of the United States chose federalism when establishing a new form of government was to avoid the tyranny they felt under England’s rule and to protect its peoples from tyrannical reign of a single sovereign. Yet, in full force, Trump has brought back a tsunami of uncontrolled power, ridiculous claims and outright cruelty to American liberties. The safety and existence of people who are Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, low income and people of color is in a constant state of turmoil.
Under Trump’s reign, threats gain rapid strength and grow more imminent.
His stance towards long-standing programs has been detrimental. His references to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion being “discrimination” coupled with the news release from the Department of Defense titled “Identity Months Dead at DOD,” which barred official resources from marking cultural awareness months anymore, were especially troubling.
As I am typing this, it is Black History Month, marking the celebration of the efforts, intelligence, determination and successes of Black people across the world. The United States would not exist if not for the efforts — and exploitation — of Black people as well as immigrants, who worked and defended the U.S. without even being considered human by some white people.
I believe no one is an immigrant on stolen land. I implore each and everyone to heed caution for the next four years. Read and learn from news sources that are verified. Exercise empathy and compassion towards one another and stay safe.

By Erick Campuzano
It’s been a little more than three weeks since President Donald Trump took the presidential oath and, in just the first week, there’s been a major shift in the United States. There’s been an increasing amount of hate crimes, violations against the Constitution and an increasing amount of deportations. Ever since January, Trump has blamed the democrats — and all minorities — for all the tragedies that have occurred in the U.S.
In my opinion, this is extremely hypocritical. He jumped to conclusions before the Federal Bureau of Investigation released any information on the recent terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. It was later revealed that the attackers were U.S. both citizens.
In today’s economy, immigrants are the ones who feed 335 million people through all their hard work. It’s clear to many that the undocumented community is the backbone of the U.S.
Trump has a huge influence on his supporters, making some to make heartless comments like, “The idea of separating families brings me joy,” or that just speaking a different language that is not English makes you look “like a criminal.”
These next four years will become a dangerous time for the U.S. But people should not live in fear. Fear can kill and cause diseases, and that’s what Trump is doing. Are undocumented children really criminals? There are a lot of pictures of children in shackles as part of the deportation efforts.
The government is treating undocumented people as if they were terrorists. They are being deported with handcuffs, chains on their feet and being transported in Army planes. The whole world now sees that the U.S. has fallen into a tyrannical government.
Trump is challenging how far he can go in changing the U.S. Constitution, the one that created the country 249 years ago. Placing tariffs on the world will make living in the U.S. a challenge.
It’s time that the U.S. wakes up and takes action against Trump. Without immigrants the country will fall into a second great depression, jobs will be lost and prices will rise to an all time high.
We have seen celebrities speak out against Trump, as well as some government officials, even in states where Trump won the popular vote. These previously Republican states are now flipped to Democratic states since the victory of Democratic governors, and they are leading efforts to oppose Trump’s hateful policies.
Trump ended Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and has ended celebrations like Black History Month, Pride Month and Juneteenth.
The lack of empathy this president has is outrageous. When the American Airlines plane collided with the U.S. Army’s Black Hawk helicopter, Trump responded in an interview by saying: “I have a plan to visit [but] not the site. Because, you tell me? What’s the site? The water? You want me to go swimming?”
This is the callous, cruel and unconstitutional behavior former President Joe Biden warned us about in his farewell speech to the nation.