By Brandon Wagner
Election time is approaching, and we all know that things will start to get ridiculous soon. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the first well-known candidate to officially put his hat in the ring. Cruz now has a distinct possibility of being the beginning in a long line of hilarious failures. Why do I say that about Cruz? Well, he is as big of a joke as a candidate can be.
Hypocrisy and shame have no meaning to Cruz. He has built his career on bashing President Barack Obama. Perhaps his most notable fight has been against the Affordable Care Act. Cruz has built upon a political strategy of obstructionism.
Recently, Cruz’s wife took a leave of absence from her position as vice president of Goldman Sachs, and the Cruz family lost the health insurance offered by her job. So Cruz said he would follow the law and apply for Obamacare. But his wife could have paid to continue coverage with her employer. Or he could have bought insurance through a private broker. So when Cruz needs medical care, your tax dollars are paying, but when you need medical care, Cruz will fight your ability to get it.
Cruz must be a polar opposite of Obama, right? As a matter of fact, he is more like Obama than he would like anyone to know. He is a first-time senator, a Harvard law graduate and was born to a foreign father and an American mother.
This wouldn’t be important if Cruz wasn’t a Tea Party advocate, the same party that championed the Birther movement. The Birther movement denied President Obama’s citizenship, so it will be interesting to see how they reconcile this belief with Cruz being born in Canada to a Cuban father.
His father’s immigration to the United States is another thing Cruz will have to reconcile. Cruz’s father came to America in 1957 and only became a naturalized citizen in 2005. Cruz has stated more than once that he would like no path to citizenship for immigrants. I wonder if he thinks of his own family when he says that.
It is not my place to tell you whom to vote for. If you are looking to get Cruz into the White House, you need to take a hard look at your candidate. Cruz will never make it into office because he is an obvious con man. He isn’t stupid; he knows exactly what he is doing to this country. I have no idea how Cruz made it this far in politics, but I hope his presidential aspirations turn out to be nothing more than hubris.
Caleb Howarth • Oct 17, 2015 at 6:12 pm
A fine, bright spotlight to send Mr. Cruz scurrying back into his hole of hypocrisy. Nice job.
David Farrar • Apr 9, 2015 at 3:58 pm
As “birthers” have pointed out in the past, birthism has absolutely nothing to do with the color of one’s skin. Obama wasn’t the only, nor even the first, 2008 presidential candidate sued in federal court over his Art. II, §1, cl. 5 natural born Citizen qualifications. Those dubious honors belong to John McCain. The fact that Obama admits his father was a British subject at the time he was born, and by ‘descent’, he, too, was a foreign national at birth, is more than enough to question his presidential qualifications. True, that is not how our courts have looked at this issue, but it is a legitimate question of constitutional law which has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin.
The same applies to Sen. Cruz. His father, like Obama’s, was not a US citizen at the time of Ted’s birth. No one can be a natural born Citizen by statute, or by the 14th Amendment, as neither would prevent such a person from being subject to a foreign power at birth, which is la raison d’être of the phrase:”natural born Citizen” being inserted into the presidential qualification clause of the US Const. in the first place.
Harvey Mudd • Apr 14, 2015 at 3:01 pm
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Foster L'Amour • Apr 9, 2015 at 1:46 am
Ted Cruz 2016
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