Board of Trustees posts final election results

The board of trustees candidates prepare to speak at a public forum at Brookhaven campus on April 19.
May 12, 2022
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include election results from the June 18 runoff.
Catalina Garcia won the June 18 runoff election for District 1 of the Dallas College Board of Trustees.
3,369 of the 5,453 votes were cast for Garcia. Lynn Davenport opposed her but lost with 2,084 votes, contrasting the May 7 election.
Garcia previously lead with 5,919 out of 16,474 votes, followed by Davenport with 5,294 votes. Incumbent Gretchen Williams garnered 5,261 votes and requested a recount due to the closeness of the race.
In District 2, incumbent Phil Ritter won 10,915 out of 16, 434 votes to defeat challenger Eugene Robinson, a former Dallas College employee and adjunct professor.
Paul Mayer, the CEO of the Garland Chamber of Commerce, and Soji John, a Dallas lawyer, competed for the vacant position in District 3. Mayer claimed victory with 7,058 of the 10,682 votes cast.
Mayer is the successor to incumbent Dorothy Zimmerman, whose term expired in 2022.
Monica Lira Bravo ran for reelection in District 4, but the race was unopposed. The board of trustees passed a resolution March 1 canceling the election and declaring Lira Bravo the winner.