Dallas College is officially here; what does it mean?
September 9, 2020

On June 12, the seven colleges under the umbrella of the Dallas County Community College District consolidated into one entity: Dallas College. Here is a little bit about what the change to one college means for Eastfield students and what they can expect to see in the days ahead.
Does Eastfield College have a new name?
Yes. Eastfield College is now Dallas College Eastfield Campus.
Which campuses make up Dallas College?
Dallas College is using the same buildings and names as DCCCD: Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, Northlake and Richland. Satellite campuses are now called centers. Eastfield’s second location is now Dallas College Pleasant Grove Center.
[READ MORE: One college officially approved by accrediting agency]
What does one college mean?
Previously, each DCCCD school was accredited as a separate institution by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. Now the colleges will be accredited together as one college.
Why did DCCCD become one college?
A SACSOC regulation required students to complete at least 25% of their courses at one DCCCD school in order to receive a degree. Chancellor Joe May said this created a barrier for students taking courses from multiple colleges in the DCCCD system. Under one college, students can take classes from any of the campuses and they will count toward their degree. Duplication of functions across campuses, was also a factor.
What will happen to Eastfield’s Harvester bee mascot Motley and the sports teams[?
Nothing. May said each campus will keep the same mascot and sports teams they had before the change to Dallas College[. Dallas College’s brand colors are red and blue, but each campus will keep one of its colors for sports team branding.
What will happen to Eastfield’s student clubs and organizations?
They will stay the same. May said student clubs and organizations are what make each campus unique.
[READ MORE: District changes name to Dallas College]
When did the push to become one college begin?
On Aug. 20, 2019, the DCCCD Board of Trustees approved the move to one college. On Feb. 4, 2020 they approved the name Dallas College.
What academic changes can I expect from Dallas College?
A new academic structure, consisting of seven schools of instruction, was created to go along with Guided Pathways’ seven career paths. Classes and degree plans are organized under each of these seven schools. The structure and leadership of the schools will be built over the next several months. For now, students may continue to contact their current advisors and deans for help with Guided Pathway selection, classes and course schedules.
- School of Business, Hospitality and Global Trade
- School of Creative Arts, Entertainment and Design
- School of Education
- School of Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and Sciences
- School of Health Sciences
- School of Law and Public Service
- School of Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies
More information about the seven schools can be found here dcccd.edu/cd/schools/