The Common Book committee paired up with Student Media to host a poetry and short story contest around “Spare Parts”, the 2019-20 common book. Due to the campus being closed because of COVID-19, The Et Cetera offered to post this year’s poetry winner since the Poetry Slam event was moved online. This year’s winner is an original piece by an Eastfield student Jade Pena.
with all of my strength, Eternity
By Jade Pena
to the girl who has written herself whole
for everyone but herself
I’ve waited for you to finish your storm
To pelt sun streaks and a prayer out of your clouds
I’ve waited for G-d to re member you
and not because he is forgetful
but because you are
I want your stain glass pulse
to pick up its shattered parts
I want you to delve into this piece
and put the wordplay of you back together
purge yourself in this poem
On a Sunday night when the psalms of your church weren’t enough
in your closet
knees bent
on a pile of ribs
have just made their way back to you
no man can keep your entire cage
there is blood in every pen you write with yet
this page is purer than it has ever been
I want you to live a moment where you have rewritten
your song
but this time do not wait for the crescendo of palms
to surge through your ears
to start loving yourself
do not wait for your words to be on shelves
rewrite yourself and live in that before the ink dries
with all of my strength,
Rufel Ramos • May 26, 2020 at 4:39 pm