The Learning Commons, sometimes referred to as the library, is a central space for students on campus. From study rooms to research tools, it provides an abundance of key resources for students and staff to excel.
Will Reiman is one of the Learning Common librarians and Mary Wood is a technology specialist. They shared insight into the resources available to students outside the scope of books and research. Laptops, hotspots and calculators are all resources available to all students on campus. “We loan out laptops on a semester, three-week or nine-week loan,” Wood explained.
From the librarian side, Reiman emphasized the easy access of online databases and journal articles in the Learning Commons.
Other resources available to borrow include an Echo Pen, a pen that records lectures and transcribes notes, calculators, podcasts mics and even jumper cables if you need help starting your car.

The Learning Commons at Eastfield is divided into four different areas.
The Computer Lab has 88 computers, which are accessible to all students on campus. Members of the community not enrolled at Dallas College are able to access the computers as well, with the use of a different login.
Tutoring Services are housed near the front of the Learning Commons.
“We have some really, really great tutors that help lots of students. [Working with a tutor] easily cranks the letter grade up one notch when they’re getting some of our quality tutoring,” Reiman said. Both online and in-person tutoring options are available at no cost to students. For in-person tutoring, it is better to schedule ahead of time to ensure a dedicated appointment with a tutor.
The help available through general library services and research assistance ranges from traditional needs to online journals and websites.
Testing Services are also under the Learning Commons umbrella. From academic testing to CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Services), the area is designed for students to take assessments in a quiet environment.
There are also private study rooms in the back of the library available for groups of two or more students to check out for a quieter studying experience. Each room is available for two hour time blocks.
For those taking anatomy classes, the library also has an entire room full of models that can be checked out for use within the library. This resource is invaluable to health science majors
Above all else, the staff wants students to know one thing — the library is a safe and welcoming space for all who enter. “We want them to feel comfortable and know that we’re here to help them. Most of our students build a relationship with the staff here,” Wood said.
Reiman emphasized the importance of having a “Third Space,” a place separate from home and work life that serves as a neutral ground for focus, collaboration and fun. “It’s the ideal environment for being able to study, whether that’s needing to talk with friends about assignments or having a quiet place to tightly focus,” Reiman explained.
The Learning Commons staff are proud to provide a place for students to access viable information, research and resources at Eastfield. Wood, Reiman and all the Learning Commons staff work hard to make the library a safe space for all, and provide the resources students need to succeed.