Thousands of students move to the beat of their own drum between seven Dallas College campuses with a variety of schedules, responsibilities and extracurriculars. All have the same goal: to gain and further their education. However, the ways in which we have learned have altered from the traditional in-class experience. Dallas College also offers class on-line and hybrid — a blend between both in-person and on-line. Below, are the different factors from each kind of learning experience. Students may find a class that works best with their schedule.

In-Person — Ah, yes. With whiteboards, desks and the smell of expo markers in the air, the in-class learning experience consists of more hands-on learning in a classroom on campus. Students may have the chance to go on field trips and meet different people. This style of learning may be best suited for students who thrive in group settings and work best with an in-person instructor to understand assignments and projects better. Other benefits of in-person classes include accountability for assignments, forming study groups and opportunities to ask questions in real time as the material is covered.
On-line — As stated before, every student is marching to the beat of their own drums. Events like work, taking care of families or health issues prevent students from being in the classroom. Recognizing the realities of life, Dallas Colleges On-line provides 16, eight, five and three-week courses all on-line. Access to a computer is vital to success through this format. This style of learning may be suited for self-sufficient students who thrive independently or for students who are looking for flexibility to engage in other life activities.
Hybrid — It’s 50/50! Dallas College also offers hybrid classes. Depending on the instructor, the work may be on-line and attendance in-person mandatory. Or, the classwork may be on-line and only exams are taken in person. Hybrid classes are designed for people who like a blend of both the traditional and on-line formats. Some see this as the best of both worlds. You gain real-time instruction and access to your professor if you have questions, but you maintain more flexibility in your schedule to do the work on your time.
There are a plethora of options for learning available at Dallas College. Be sure to read class descriptions carefully when registering for your next semester in order to ensure you choose the class structure that is most beneficial to your learning style.
All seven campuses offer Hybrid, On-line and In-person learning. For more information, visit to browse the varying options Dallas College has to offer.